
R&D, production and sales of petrochemicals and their derivatives



Name: Ethylbenzene
CAS NO: 100-41-4
Molecular weight: 106
Molecular formula: C8H10 
Structural formula:
Use: Mainly used in the production of styrene and also used in organic synthesis.


Item Specifications
Appearance Colorless or pale yellow transparent liquid
Ethylbenzene, wt%≥: 99.5
Non-aromatic ppm ≤: 1000
Benzene ppm ≤: 2000
Toluene ppm ≤: 2000
Methyl ethylbenzene ppm ≤: 1000
Cumene ppm ≤:  150
Xylenes ppm ≤: 2000
Others wt% ≤: 0.06

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